Parent Code of Conduct
Parent Code of Conduct
The Heritage Greens Gators Swim Team (HGGST) expects all swim parents to abide by the following Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is based on the Rocky Mountain Swim League’s Code of Conduct.
At all HGGST meets parents should:
1. Display the characteristics referred to in the Rocky Mountain Swim League Bylaws (RMSL) courtesy, good will and sportsmanship. The RMSL bylaws are posted on the web site
2. Demonstrate good sportsmanship by conducting yourself in a manner that earns the respect of your child, other swimmers, coaches, officials and other parents.
3. Support the swimmers, coaches, officials and other parents with positive communication and actions.
4. Show respect for the meet facilities and follow the rules of the pool to which you have been invited.
5. Maintain self control at all times. Allow swimmers to swim, coaches to coach, officials to officiate and parents to parent. To that end parents will not be allowed behind the blocks during meets unless requested by a coach or they are volunteering.
6. Respect the meet officials and their authority even if you don’t agree with a decision. As stated in the RMSL Bylaws, protests may only be made by a team parent representative to the Referee.
7. Understand that criticizing, name calling, use of abusive language or gestures directed toward an official, coach, participating swimmer or other parent will not be permitted or tolerated.
8. Understand that such behavior may result in being asked to leave the pool for the duration of the meet, and that repeat violations may result in a multiple meet or full season suspension.
Finally, at all meets parents should enjoy the wonderful spirit and tradition that is the Heritage Greens Gators Swim Team.