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Swimtopia Help


Our team uses SwimTopia an app that helps us manage the meets, scoring etc. This is used league wide. This helps with entries and tracking swimmers in real time. This requires little training and can be done onsite right before starting. No experience necessary.

We’d like to encourage you to download SwimTopia’s mobile app. With this app, we’ll be able to communicate with you through push notifications—which is helpful when we need to get information out quickly, such as rain delays or weather alerts.

To receive push alerts on your phone:

  1. Download the SwimTopia Mobile App on the App Store or Google Play
  2. Log in with your SwimTopia login
  3. Be sure to check your app’s notification settings -- ensure that it’s set to pop up on your screen (Android users: you may need to receive your first notification before you can edit this setting)

*Note: if you don’t download the app, you’ll still receive the alerts via email.

Another great benefit of having the SwimTopia app is that we’ll be broadcasting the current event and heat during meets. You can see a live event/heat bar on your phone throughout the meet. No more missed swims!

Other features of the free mobile app include:

  • Personalized calendar view of upcoming meets and events
  • Personalized Meet Overview for your family (including swim events and volunteer jobs)
  • Easy access to Meet and Job Signup
  • Public Meet Search/Guest Mode
  • Your athlete's Best Times
  • Your athlete's History
  • Post-meet Results for your family’s athletes

You’ll see prompts to upgrade to a free trial of the Pro version, which offers great meet-day features:

  • Heat Sheets
  • Heat/Lane Assignments and Estimated Start Times for your athletes' events on your family’s Meet Overview screen
  • Estimated start times for all events that update as the meet progresses
  • Upcoming Swim Reminders for favorited athletes
  • Results notification alerts for your favorited athletes
  • Live Results for all swimmers
  • Team Scores
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Amelia Browning Junior Coach

Hi! My name is Amelia! I fell in love with swimming as a pre-team Gator and am so excited to be a Pre-team coach this summer. I look forward to getting to know you and your swimmer and making memories together. But first, here’s some things to know about me, I went to Lenski and just graduated from Newton Middle school. I love to play soccer and do art. Hamburgers are my absolute favorite food. I look forward to helping the youngest Gator swimmers stay safe and grow their love for swim! Go Gators!

Phone: (720) 643-3465
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