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2025 Finals

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13-18 Prelims

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8 and Under Prelims

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9-10 Prelims

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11-12 Prelims

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Season Information

It is Time to Get Excited for the Gator Season!

We are thrilled for the summer and the return of swim team! We are excited to see everyone's Gator spirit around the pool soon.

What is Our Swim Team?

If you are new to the neighborhood, you may not know about our summer swim team. It is a relaxed, entertaining way for kids to connect, get exercise, and most importantly have fun over the early weeks of summer. Your child does not need to be a rock star swimmer. It is a neighborhood team for all skill levels where personal bests are greatly celebrated! Our website has all sorts of information including a parent guide, information about pre team, a schedule and much more.

Season Dates

A full calendar of training, competition and social events is available on our website This calendar will be updated as changes occur and dates are more solidified. Please make sure you check often so you don't miss anything! In general our season will run from May 19-July 12. Regular meets will be May 31, June 7, 14, 21 and 28. Prelims are the week of July 7-10th and finals will be held on July 12.


A fantastic group of experienced, dedicated coaches are on deck for this summer! We have a combination of returning coaches and some new faces!

Gator Gear

Mark your calendar for our Gator Gear fitting. This will be held on in the Clubhouse. This is your chance to come try on everything for the new year.  Please make sure you get this on your calendar. If you cannot attend the fitting you can go to Out of Breath Sports (new location) on County Line and Broadway at any time and try things on. 

Registration and Parent Meetings

Registration will open on . You register through our website. As part of registration this year you will complete your sign up for volunteer hours. Your registration will not be complete until you sign up for volunteering. Additionally, we will be collecting a $ check from everyone in the first week of the season. This check will be returned or shredded upon your completion of all volunteer hours. Those that do not complete the volunteer hours, the check will be cashed and used to pay volunteers that we will need to hire and/or go into the general swim team budget.

We will also have a New Parent Meeting on  prior to registration to go through information and cover anything new. Location TBD. This is an informal meeting geared toward new parents to go over everything and ask questions. Everyone is welcome if you want more information.

Parent Meeting will be recorded and posted on our website for returning parents and parents that cannot come on .


We are desperately looking for someone to shadow the parent rep position and take over as the new parent rep for the 2026 season. If you would be interested in this please reach out ASAP. Swim team cannot function without this role.

The team depends on a large group of volunteers to run our meets and events smoothly. We simply can not pull it off without you! Every family with a child participating on the swim team is required to earn a set amount of volunteer hours (unless you chose to pay the opt-out fee during your registration.)

The following is a list of critical lead volunteer jobs that need to be filled prior to the start of our swim season. These roles will fill all of your volunteer requirements:

  • Concessions Lead
  • Heating Lead
  • Timing Lead
  • Stroke Judges
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Amelia Browning Junior Coach

Hi! My name is Amelia! I fell in love with swimming as a pre-team Gator and am so excited to be a Pre-team coach this summer. I look forward to getting to know you and your swimmer and making memories together. But first, here’s some things to know about me, I went to Lenski and just graduated from Newton Middle school. I love to play soccer and do art. Hamburgers are my absolute favorite food. I look forward to helping the youngest Gator swimmers stay safe and grow their love for swim! Go Gators!

Phone: (720) 643-3465
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