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Link to 2023 Parent Meeting

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Parent Survival Guide

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  • This is a recreational, social, neighborhood swim team
  • More emphasis on being a good Gator (sportsmanship, encouragement of teammates, respect of Coaches) than speed
  • We celebrate accomplishments of personal goals and beating personal best times
  • We celebrate accomplishments that are not time related
    • Stuffed Gator for swimming across pool unassisted
    • IM shirt for swimming a legal IM in a meet

Expectations of Swimmers

  • Arrive on time, with goggles, possibly a cap and with a positive attitude.
  • Respect the coach.
  • Your child’s age group coach will determine lane placement as the workout is tailored to the needs and ability of each lane.  Please talk to your child about staying in their assigned lane. This is important for safety reasons.
  • No squirt guns during any practice time.
  • No swimming in zero-entry portion of the pool.
  • Siblings may be at the pool while their brother/sister is practicing, but may not distract coaches or other swimmers in the water.
  • Swimmers cannot be in the clubhouse or kitchen area of the community room.
  • Be willing to try a stroke they are uncomfortable swimming.
  • Encourage teammates during practice and at meets.
  • Be inclusive – all Gators are friends.

Expectations of Parents

  • Uphold the standards of the Parent Code of Contact that you initialed when registering
  • Parents / nannies must be present when children 8 and younger are at practice.
  • If a child is crying and not willing to participate, the parent/nanny will need to step in
  • For registered swimmers age 9 and up, use your discretion. If you are not confident that they can behave appropriately, they need to be accompanied


  • Each meet requires approximately 100 volunteers – we can’t do it without you
  • Do you part and fulfill your commitment as outlined during signup
  • Volunteer sign-ups must take place prior to the Fun Meet
  • If you cannot fulfill your volunteer role, it is your responsibility to find a replacement

Practice Schedule

  • Morning practices after LPS schools are finished for the summer
  • We will continue to offer afternoon practice for non-LPS students.  Please see the practice schedule tab
  • Each Friday is a Donut / Game day for the kids…their favorite day of practice


  • Each week you must declare your swimmer eligible or not-eligible to swim the upcoming meet.  You must declare which events they would like to swim.  This is due the Tuesday night prior to the Saturday meet. 
  • Indicate if they are available to swim relays
  • Enter any notes that you want to communicate to your coach on the registration form
  • Relays will be determined by coaches and will be determined by official meet seed times only
  • If a swimmer wants to swim a particular stroke in a relay, they need to establish a seed time by swimming it as an individual event in a meet.
  • Meet programs will be posted on our website by Friday afternoon
  • Print a copy for your family as they are not sold at concessions


  • We are very proud of our coaching staff. You can read their bio and get their contact information on our website.
  • Make sure to introduce yourself…They are very friendly!
  • All coaches are available to give private swim lessons
  • $20/half hour paid directly to the coach
  • $100 for a pack of 6 – ½ hour lessons
  • Coaches grill will start Friday of Memorial Day Week
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Amelia Browning Junior Coach

Hi! My name is Amelia! I fell in love with swimming as a pre-team Gator and am so excited to be a Pre-team coach this summer. I look forward to getting to know you and your swimmer and making memories together. But first, here’s some things to know about me, I went to Lenski and just graduated from Newton Middle school. I love to play soccer and do art. Hamburgers are my absolute favorite food. I look forward to helping the youngest Gator swimmers stay safe and grow their love for swim! Go Gators!

Phone: (720) 643-3465
Coach or Staff photo and profile
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